
The conversation about developing career goals often revolves around the goals themselves, 但我想换个角度.

根据我的经验, I’ve found that it’s important to take a step back to examine why we create career development goals in the first place. 为了找到你的原因,你需要一份个人愿景陈述. 下面是如何创建一个!

Prepare to start, enhance or change 你r career with a collection of free 太ls and 资源. 


When I say “personal vision statement” I’m not talking about a generic goal of learning, 发展甚至建立一个遗产. 你的动机应该针对你自己.

在你宣布你的梦想是成为一名宇航员或名人之前, 我要你照照镜子, 新面孔, 问自己这些简单的问题:

  • 我想在职业生涯中实现什么目标?
  • 我愿意花多少钱来得到它?


简单地说, 你 need to decide what success looks like to 你 when 你 retire at the end of 你r career. 是设定财务目标吗?你是否在按计划实现这些目标? 它是否达到了某种领导地位? 是从零开始建立一个企业吗? 是把激情变成职业吗? 只有当你有一个明确的目标时,你才能开始朝着它努力.


一旦你有了最终目标, 你必须决定你愿意在财政资源方面付出多少, 努力, 集中精力和时间去实现它. 这可能意味着企业家要投入时间、金钱和精力来建立一家企业. 它可以意味着承担一些延伸任务来发展你的事业. 它可以意味着回到学校攻读学士学位或研究生学位.

对我来说, becoming a VP meant doing whatever was necessary to reach a position where I could serve the people on my team and ensure they, 太, 是成功的. 这意味着要获得多个学位和证书, 每周工作80个小时,管理那些并不容易的客户.

这并不适用于所有人. That’s why 你 have to be honest about what 你 want and what 你’re willing to do to get it. 只有这样,你才能开始制定你的职业目标. 现在让我们进入它的后勤! 





没有人能预测它们将如何随着时间的推移而变化,但你可以 可以 问自己几个关键问题来确定你喜欢的工作方式. 例如:

  • 你是那种寻找升职机会的人吗, 还是你主要是寻求职业成就感? 
  • Is an entrepreneur lifestyle a better fit for 你 because 你 don’t like being micromanaged or expected to be at 你r desk every day at 8 a.m.?

也许你和我一样. 我等不及每一个升职的机会. 我想办法 增加副业 我的投资组合,创造额外的收入来源. I want to be able to live comfortably and travel regularly while giving back to my family, 朋友和社区. 结果是, I have to be relentless about looking for opportunities to climb the ladder and expand my side hustles.

最棒的是? 我很喜欢. I love the attention of being successful as well as the respect that comes with having integrity and working hard. 我也喜欢慷慨地提供我的知识. 如果我成功了,我希望周围的人都能成功.

那么,是谁呢? ?

在制定职业目标时,你需要考虑你的兴趣和生活激情. Think about what excites 你 and what 你 could truly enjoy doing every day for 20 to 30 years. 俗话说:“不要欺骗自己。!“请慢慢地再说一遍,并深入地思考三层. “不要欺骗自己”,让自己成为另一个人. 做真实的自己,让你的职业目标与你的兴趣保持一致. 思维要有逻辑! 


你的能力和优势将不可避免地影响你的职业目标. Start by listing 你r skills and talents; then, consider how 你 可以 apply them to a career.

作为副总裁, 我利用战略投资组合管理等优势, 利益相关方参与, 风险管理和人员管理, 举几个例子. 我天生就有这些技能吗? 没有,但我既有天赋又有兴趣去学习它们.

另一方面,我永远不会成为统计学家. 我不会做那种程度的数字,我也没有动力去做那种工作. 结果是, my goals have moved away from a career in statistical analysis, and that’s OK.

你的处境是独一无二的. Nothing wrong with being brutally honest about what 你 do well and what 你 don’t so that 你 pursue the right career for 你.  


正如我提到的, 了解你的职业道路会把你带向何方, 你需要知道你想从哪里开始,在哪里结束. 一旦你确定了这两个极端, research the actual job titles that connect the two (and the responsibilities inherent to each).

我一开始是个 IT经理例如: . My career road map at that time looked like this, although it may not be the same for everyone:

  1. IT项目经理
  2. 合同项目经理
  3. 项目总监
  4. 项目管理副总裁

As 你 figure out 你r functional career path, figure out a realistic timeline for achieving it. 在教育、证书和经验方面都涉及到什么?

一如既往地, 确保你制定的职业目标是明确的, 可衡量的, 可实现的, 相关的和有时间限制的),一旦你确定了一个潜在的途径. 你用来记录进步的方法应该对你有挑战, 明确你的目标是什么, 让导师和同事清楚地剖析它, 给你反馈. If it does all that, it will be a visual representation of 你r commitment to 你r goals.




对我来说,从我的最终目标往回走是最有意义的. I wanted to be a VP, and so I identified all the positions I needed to hold to get there. 一旦我看清了那些位置, 我可以算出每一种训练方式所需要的东西, 软技能和经验.

Ask 你rself what type or size of organization 你 need to work for before 你 可以 ascend to 你r desired role. Do 你 need the experience of working for other larger or smaller organizations to achieve 你r goal? After 你 have an outline for 你r career ladder, it’s time to figure out how to climb each rung. 这就是所谓的路线图,这就是路线图的内容.

1. 为职业发展提供指导和指导建议

Actively learning from professionals who are working in the positions and career fields 你 are interested in growing into 可以 assist 你 in achieving 你r career goals.

例如, I regularly solicit advice from my company president and owner/CEO regarding what my next steps should be in my career. 他的见解是无价的。.

导师可以帮助你 优化你的计划,避免那些阻碍你成长的陷阱. They 可以 also offer insight and advice tailored to the industry 你’re in or want to be in. If my next goal is to become president of a company and take my LLC to the next level, 有谁比当今在这些职位上取得成功的顶级人士更适合问呢?

2. 合适的组织环境

Consider whether 你r organization offers the growth potential 你 need to reach 你r goals. 你的公司能为你提供发展和实现职业目标的机会吗, 或者你必须转到一个新的组织? 永远要忠于主队,也就是你和你的家人.  

3. 职业目标跟踪器,包括时间表、职位要求和头衔    

制定一个框架或矩阵电子表格,列出你的每个职业目标, 你想要实现目标的日期或时间, and what’s required to achieve it will help 你 stay accountable to completing the goal. 我推荐一个包含至少5年进步的追踪器.

也, map out all of 你r previous goals so that 你 可以 see the entire picture of 你r working professional life.

实现每个目标并不容易. 所以,找一个有职业目标的伙伴来帮助你保持责任感可能会有所帮助. Share 你r goals — and 你r achievements — for an added layer of accountability that motivates 你 to keep going.



4. 成功的定义

职业发展目标应该带来成就感, 这可能并不总是与组织的目标一致. 对你来说成功的东西对你的同事或雇主来说可能意味着不同的东西. 知道你是为了升职、薪水还是个人满足. 你可能需要扩大你的关注范围,把雇主的目标也包括进来, 但你的工作应该永远是最重要的. 

5. 帮助你的旅程的技术和工具

保持竞争力,实现你的职业目标, 您可能需要学习和利用业务技术应用程序. 例如,你需要学习如何使用人工智能来简化工作流程吗? Do 你 need to start using LinkedIn to leverage contacts and build influence in 你r ascent to the top?

如果你不确定从哪里开始,调查一下. I have read books on what kinds of 太ls executives need to use to be better at their jobs. 导师也可以提供洞察力,网络和同事也可以.

这仅仅是个开始. 我希望你能从中得到启发,为自己制定一个定制计划. Remember, the goal isn’t for me or anyone else to tell 你 exactly what to do, step by step. The goal is to provide an abundance of ideas that let 你 take in the good and throw out the bad. 祝你好运,实现你的职业目标. 我相信你会成功的. 

博士肖像. 帕特里克·C. 霍顿微笑


Dr. 帕特里克·C. 霍顿, 工商管理硕士, DM /是, 是坦帕微波公司项目管理的副总裁, 一位大学教授和一位经验丰富的美国军人.S. 陆军中士. 他获得了信息技术学士学位, Master of 业务 Administration and Doctor of 管理 with a specialization in Information Systems at University of Phoenix. 他开始了自己的事业, 职业生涯转型, in 2021 as a way to guide and encourage others to identify and pursue their career goals. He is a former member of Vistage Executive Coaching Group and a recipient of the Purple Heart in Operation Iraqi Freedom, 他住在阳光明媚的佛罗里达. 了解更多关于博士. 霍顿 and his commitment to helping others achieve their highest level of success by 访问他的网站 一定要看这个 职业多元化短片 在他的YouTube频道上.







